Lighting plays a major role when providing professional help to people with low vision. However, some fundamental differences must be considered when selecting the appropriate aid. This seminar provides all relevant information about the topic of lighting.
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Light is an essential element in the provision of low vision care. However, not all light is the same. The appropriate light can considerably improve visual performance, especially that of people with low vision. What requirements must be met by low vision lighting, how much light does the patient need, what types of light are available, and how can they be used? Find out more about these things here. |
Lecturer: Walter Hurraß | Duration: 08:16 |
The provision of low vision solutions is not imaginable without considering lighting and illumination. The appropriate light temperature can significantly enhance visual comfort by improving contrast sensitivity, reducing the magnification strength required and increasing visual performance. |
Lecturer: Walter Hurraß | Duration: 08:19 |