Low vision lighting
About 85% of all the information from the world around us comes through our eyes. Unfortunately, our senses deteriorate with age. Consequently, our visual performance also decreases with age. Multiple studies have shown that the provision of appropriate, high-contrast lighting can significantly improve visual acuity. An individually tested light temperature is more pleasant and improves visibility for reading or other close tasks noticeably. Optimised lighting can improve the visibility of details and thus restore the reading ability.
The value of good lighting only becomes clear when patients see it for themselves and test it in practice. To be able to read certain texts again, several requirements must be fulfilled. The text must be of a size that the eye can resolve and must be properly illuminated to form a sharp retinal image. Magnifying visual aids can influence size and sharpness. But lighting and contrast are at least as important.
Light helps us see colours, affects the human psyche and influences the hormone balance, thus significantly improving our quality of life.